
Welcome to the website of Hargreaves Risk and Strategy.

We are a specialist consultancy and research organisation, working with housing associations, funders and regulators on risk management, strategic planning and control.

latest news...

Complying with Awaab's Law expected to drive up costs

Budgets also under pressure from damp and mould

Awaab’s Law will require landlords to make at least three attempts to contact the resident and arrange a suitable time to access the property, work with them to arrange a suitable time to visit the property, and take into account their needs when offering slots. Landlords will be expected to keep evidence that they have made “best efforts to work with the resident to identify a timeslot and the resident has either not responded or has refused access within that slot.” All 29 hazards from the Housing Health & Safety Rating System are in scope. This includes overcrowding, although it is unclear how associations should respond to this issue.

For more information, see the latest edition of the HRS Review.

RSH Consumer Standards and Inspections

A document summarising the requirements of the updated Consumer Standards together with the criteria driving the regulator's inspection regime is also available in our members' area.

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Hargreaves Risk and Strategy